Basic Yoga practice
Basic Yoga practice is suitable for all adults who like to relax, increase awareness in the body and have a greater feeling of peace in the mind - suitable for all who are interested in Yoga. Flexibility or any knowledge or experience about Yoga is not necessary. We practice basic classic postures (Asana), which help us to increase our bodily awareness and we learn how to relax. We gently stretch, bend and twist the body in several different postures or we just rest listening to breathing and the body. The purpose of the practice is to experience peace of mind, relaxation, learning to know the asanas by experiencing them, being aware of body and breathings through out the practice. It is good to have with you a yoga mat (some cotton mat or bed cover), warm and airy natural fiber clothing and a bottle of drinking water. Woolen socks and a warm cover sheet might be useful at the end of the practice to help facilitate deep relaxation. The main coal of the practice is to enter and stay aware in a meditative state, rather than doing or improving physical movements or asanas. During and after the practice the body feels relaxed, the mind feels calm and peaceful.
You can participate in basic yoga class year after year, however you might also like to have deep experience at Advanced Yoga or practicing Oshana Energy-Work method.
For up to date information about available courses, please see meetings.
If you can't find a suitable Yoga course from our present schedule, or if you would like to start a practice in your company or elsewhere, please contact us.
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti